One of the essential foundations of the Miura brand is always to keep the golfer in mind when releasing new equipment. If there is nothing new or relevant to offer, a new club won’t be pushed out. Unlike other brands, Miura will not release a new club each year just for the sake of releasing a club. However, 2022 was a strong year for Miura. There were some significant technological advances, and the company is continuing to move towards creating solutions for all golfers.
With the stability of the KM-700 head and the impressive turf interaction, this is a sleek looking club that can benefit a player of almost any level. Whether you are a scratch golfer that is looking for a bit of help in the long irons or a mid handicapper that wants the premium Miura feel, the KM-700 can get the job done.
This is truly a versatile Miura golf iron.
One of the most important areas of feedback we are getting from the MC-502 is the fact that the iron increases overall player confidence, something quite important to any golfer. The premium S20C Soft Carbon Steel creates that classic Miura feel.
There are three KM designs KM1, KM2, and KM3. Each will feature the Miura retro logo in celebration of the impressive history that the Miura name carries.
Miura Year In Review 2022: What Clubs Were Released?
Not one but two impressive sets of golf irons were released in 2022, the KM-700 and the MC-502. The MC-502 is an upgrade of the MC-501, yet it brings its own unique performance to the market.KM-700
The KM-700 was created with the golfer that needs a bit more forgiveness in mind. It’s all fun and games until the center of the clubface is missed. However, with the KM-700 in your hands, the sweet spot is noticeably larger and a bit easier to strike.With the stability of the KM-700 head and the impressive turf interaction, this is a sleek looking club that can benefit a player of almost any level. Whether you are a scratch golfer that is looking for a bit of help in the long irons or a mid handicapper that wants the premium Miura feel, the KM-700 can get the job done.
This is truly a versatile Miura golf iron.
MC 502
The MC-502 is the latest release from Miura and is designed to help with a modern blade design for any player. One of the most essential upgrades to the MC-502 is an increase in the face progression and a slightly cleaner look at the address.One of the most important areas of feedback we are getting from the MC-502 is the fact that the iron increases overall player confidence, something quite important to any golfer. The premium S20C Soft Carbon Steel creates that classic Miura feel.
KM Putters
The KM Putters have a classic look and style of a blade putter, yet they are milled from Japanese Stainless steel. With high-quality materials and a deep milled face pattern, the putters are impressive from an alignment and consistency standpoint.There are three KM designs KM1, KM2, and KM3. Each will feature the Miura retro logo in celebration of the impressive history that the Miura name carries.