With the help of the Miura iron selector tool, golfers can get a bit more insight and direction into which Miura golf clubs are the best for their needs. We always recommend a club fitting when you have the ability, but it’s nice to narrow down which options are the best for you. We recently conducted a case study with a 5 handicap golfer to see what the iron selector tool recommends.
We ran the test two times, once with the blade and once with the player’s cavity. At a 5 handicap, on a rough day, the low 80’s still come into play, and the extra forgiveness and distance of the player's cavity is something a 5 handicapper should probably consider.
With the MB-101, there is more feedback than almost any other Miura iron. The feedback will result in some poor miss hits, but that is what helps us grow as golfers and learn to control the ball.
With the Miura, MB-101 expects a premium S20C Soft Carbon Steel that allows for a soft but stable feel at impact.
When completing this case study with the Miura iron selector tool, we kept in mind that control was the key focus of this player. In addition, neutral ball flight was selected to make it a bit easier to compare one iron to another.
The TC-201 offers the performance of a muscle back with a bit more forgiveness than the MB-101. This club has a slightly lower center of gravity but still just a minimal offset. Another option here is to combine a few MB-101 irons in the short irons with some TC-201 in the long game.
5 Handicap Golfer Miura Iron Selector Tool
At a 5 handicap, the golfer was leaning more towards a blade iron than anything else. This player values feel and workability over power. The first part of the iron selector tool asks to choose between a blade, player's cavity, forged cavity, or a game improvement iron.We ran the test two times, once with the blade and once with the player’s cavity. At a 5 handicap, on a rough day, the low 80’s still come into play, and the extra forgiveness and distance of the player's cavity is something a 5 handicapper should probably consider.
The Best Blade Choice: Miura MB-101
When control and accuracy are chosen as the main goals with mid-ball flight, the iron selector tool from Miura returns results with the Miura MB-101. This is the classic blade style that allows for complete workability.With the MB-101, there is more feedback than almost any other Miura iron. The feedback will result in some poor miss hits, but that is what helps us grow as golfers and learn to control the ball.
With the Miura, MB-101 expects a premium S20C Soft Carbon Steel that allows for a soft but stable feel at impact.
The Best Players Distance: TC-201
Those that know the game of golf well can attest to the fact that a mid-70s score can quickly turn into a low-80s score with a few bad swings. The best player's distance iron from Miura for the 5 handicappers with neutral ball flight was the TC-201.When completing this case study with the Miura iron selector tool, we kept in mind that control was the key focus of this player. In addition, neutral ball flight was selected to make it a bit easier to compare one iron to another.
The TC-201 offers the performance of a muscle back with a bit more forgiveness than the MB-101. This club has a slightly lower center of gravity but still just a minimal offset. Another option here is to combine a few MB-101 irons in the short irons with some TC-201 in the long game.